There is no national standard format for the EHC plan, and different local authorities have different templates. However every plan must have certain sections, which must be clearly labelled.
A: The views, interests and aspirations of you and your child.
B: Special educational needs (SEN).
C: Health needs related to SEN.
D: Social care needs related to SEN.
E: Outcomes – how the extra help will benefit your child
F: Special educational provision (support).
G: Health provision.
H: Social care provision.
I: Placement – type and name of school or other institution (blank in the draft plan)
J: Personal budget arrangements.
K: Advice and information – a list of the information gathered during the EHC needs assessment.
The SEND code of practice has detailed information about what should be in each section. You can find this in paragraph 9.69.
Some local authorities set the EHC plan out in a table form; others in consecutive sections. However your child’s plan is laid out, it will help to understand that there are three sections on needs (your child’s difficulties) that are matched by three sections on corresponding provision (the help your child will get).
Need > Provision
Section B special educational needs > Section F special educational provision
Section C health care needs > Section G health care provision
Section D social care needs >Section H social care provision
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